Can Anyone Get Addicted to Alcohol? (E204)

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Is everyone on the slow path towards addiction? Are all moderate drinkers a little bit addicted? We know alcohol is an addictive substance that gets us hooked and then changes our brains to keep us hooked, but why does this process even start? In this episode I’ll explain 15 risk factors that can lead us to become addicted to alcohol. You’ll learn about emotional factors, genetic factors, and life circumstances that influence the risk of developing a problem with alcohol.

What to listen to next:

E177: 4 years sober. Why did this happen to me?

E199: frustration tolerance

E203: why you want alcohol even when you hate it

E71 and 72: trauma episodes

E29: how alcohol affects the teen brain

E201: your dysregulated stress response (cortisol)

E202: wtf is "the work"?

E88: sibling studies: why one gets addicted and the other doesn't

Resources I offer:

Listen to the full episode in your podcasting app: Apple Spotify other apps

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Gillian Tietz. Can Anyone Get Addicted to Alcohol? (E204) Sober Powered Podcast. 2024

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  1. Elton, A. et al. Risk and resilience for alcohol use disorder revealed in brain functional connectivity. NeuroImage: Clinical. 32:102801. 2021

  2. Wasserman, A. M., Shaw-Meadow, K. J., Moon, T. J., Karns-Wright, T. E., Mathias, C. W., Hill-Kapturczak, N., & Dougherty, D. M. (2021). The externalizing and internalizing pathways to marijuana use initiation: Examining the synergistic effects of impulsiveness and sensation seeking. Developmental Psychology, 57(12), 2250–2264.

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  4. Elton, A., Allen, J.H., Yorke, M., Khan, F., Lin, Q., Boettiger, C.A., 2021. High Trait Attention Promotes Resilience and Reduces Binge Drinking Among College Students With a Family History of Alcohol Use Disorder. Frontiers in psychiatry 12, 672863-672863.

  5. Cavicchioli M, Movalli M, Maffei C. Difficulties with emotion regulation, mindfulness, and substance use disorder severity: the mediating role of self-regulation of attention and acceptance attitudes. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. (2019) 45:97–107.

  6. Zimmerman, E. What makes some people more resilient than others. The New York Times. 2020.

  7. Long EC, Lönn SL, Ji J, et al. Resilience and Risk for Alcohol Use Disorders: A Swedish Twin Study. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2017;41(1):149-155. 

  8. Carlyle, M. et al. A randomized, double‐blind study investigating the relationship between early childhood trauma and the rewarding effects of morphine. Addiction Biology, 2021

Gillian Tietz

Gillian Tietz is the host of the Sober Powered podcast and recently left her career as a biochemist to create Sober Powered Media, LLC. When she quit drinking in 2019, she dedicated herself to learning about alcohol's influence on the brain and how it can cause addiction. Today, she educates and empowers others to assess their relationship with alcohol. Gill is the owner of the Sober Powered Media Podcast Network, which is the first network of top sober podcasts.

Kindling in Alcohol Withdrawal (E205)


Why You Still Want Alcohol Even When You Hate It (E203)