Build a Life That Feels as Good as it Looks on Paper

You’ve quit before—maybe once, maybe several times—but something always pulls you back.

It’s exhausting to feel like you’re failing at something that “should” be simple, to have it together in all areas of your life except this one.

But here’s the truth: staying sober isn’t about willpower—it’s about identifying your blind spots, mindset, and shifting your identity. Sobriety isn’t about restriction or deprivation; it’s about learning how to live in a way that makes alcohol irrelevant.

Life-changing; Your sense of humor, authenticity, insightful questions, and perspective were essential to helping see things in a different light. My experience meeting you one-on-one even exceeded my expectations. One of the best investments I have made for myself.

I get it because I’ve been there.

I spent five years stuck in the cycle of deep down knowing I needed to quit but feeling too scared to make the decision. Every time I tried, I eventually told myself I was just overreacting. That things weren’t “bad enough”. But each time I went back to drinking, it got worse.

I know what it’s like to feel ashamed, exhausted, and terrified that this is just who you are now. Living a double life that is filled with shame. One side of you is the productive, achieving, reliable version, but at night there’s the “weak” version that keeps letting you down.

But I also know it doesn’t have to be this way.

That’s where I come in.

I help high-functioning professionals like you untangle the deeper patterns that made alcohol feel like the solution. Together, we’ll create a version of sobriety that doesn’t feel like a punishment—but instead, a way of life you’re excited to wake up to.

I felt safe confronting this with you, which is not something I had ever felt or trusted with anyone before. I was able to process this triggering event in a way I wouldn't have been able to do on my own.”

“After 7 months of sobriety with the help of Gill Tietz’s Sober Powered community, I had the opportunity for 1:1 coaching with Gill. I had to think about it for a bit before I decided to do it because I felt strong in my sobriety and wasn’t sure what individual coaching could provide that the community wasn’t already. I realized though that while I was enjoying my sobriety, I needed help to make other big changes in my life. I needed extra support from someone who has done that level of sober work for herself.

I still can’t quite figure out how Gill did it though, got me to make significant changes in my thinking, and in my conclusions about what I still want for my life. She asks seemingly simple questions that caused me to consider the stories I had been telling myself at different life stages, where I had no evidence that my negative spin was so, and then with my permission, she offered me another way to think about things. That really helped me to reconnect with my confidence, my love for living, and create a willingness to challenge myself. It’s a work-in-progress, and it’s my work to do, but it was through 1:1 coaching with Gill where I started writing the grandest chapter in my life’s story. I was grateful to work with Gill, a trusted sober ally who knows the way. She held me accountable, and took as much pleasure in my achievements as I did. She can help you meet your goals too.”

Is This You? Let’s Find Out 

💡 This coaching is for you if…
✔ You’ve quit drinking before, but stress, social pressure, or emotions have always brought you back.
✔ You’re a high-functioning professional who “has it together” on the outside—but the way you drink tells a different story.
✔ You struggle to manage stress and emotions when you don’t drink.
✔ You’ve noticed your drinking has been progressing and the shame is piling on.
✔ You’ve hit the point where you know moderation isn’t possible, but life without alcohol doesn’t seem too appealing either.

This isn’t for first-time quitters or those wanting to take a break. I work with people who have already decided they want sobriety—but need the right support to make it stick for good.

You don’t have to do this alone.

“Extremely supportive, non-judgmental environment and approach. I felt like I could share what was really going on at any time and you were always very responsive. I also felt like you genuinely cared about my success

You can finally move on and live your life

Right now, alcohol feels like the only way to deal with stress, overwhelm, or loneliness. Maybe you can’t even imagine a life where you don’t crave the reward and the permission to relax.

When we’re stuck in our drinking, we live in past shame and future moderation fantasies.

We miss out on our actual life because we spend so much time thinking about our drinking. Can I drink again? Has it been long enough? Maybe I went overboard with this whole sober thing? Things aren’t better. If I don’t even feel better, why even bother continuing?

How cool would it be to be able to pursue your goals… how cool would it be to actually be able to have goals besides keeping your drink count below a certain number (mine was 30 a week lol and I couldn’t even do that!)

Here’s me achieving my goal of deadlifting 200 lbs

Wouldn’t it be nice…?

✨ To go an entire day, week, or month without thinking about drinking?
✨ To stop mentally negotiating—“Can I drink again? Has it been long enough?”—and actually be free?
✨ To feel confident handling stress, emotions, and social situations without alcohol?
✨ To wake up clear-headed, present, and in control of your own life?

I know this is possible because I’ve been there. My clients have been there. And you can get there too.

You can have a full life once you say goodbye to alcohol.

And I mean really say goodbye, like saying goodbye to the hope of moderating someday too.

I can help you feel at peace with the decision and develop the skills and tools you need to move on with your life.

“I learned that sobriety is so much more than no hangovers. Its about self-esteem and confidence and my whole life changing in the smallest and biggest ways

The hardest part has an endpoint if you let yourself go thru it

Most people stay stuck in the hardest part for years.

We know we should quit, we kinda want to quit, but we also can’t imagine going through life without drinking. It feels like a punishment for weak-willed losers.

It can feel like you’re stuck in the mud and no matter what you do, you can’t move forward.

I know it feels like because it’s hard now that it will always be hard, but 6 Months Sober You is going to be so much more capable and more equipped than you are today. You won’t even recognize 2 Years Sober You.

When we allow ourselves to really go through it and move forward, we develop skills to overcome things.

What feels hard now, won’t always feel hard.

Coaching gives you a short cut to developing these skills and it helps you identify your blind spots.

I hated myself while I was drinking, but now I genuinely love who I am. This is possible for you too. Let me help you take a few steps forward.

Why Does Sobriety Feel Harder Before It Gets Easier?

Most people think quitting drinking should get easier with time. But for many, it gets harder before it gets better.

🔹 At 2-3 months, stress and social pressure builds and it’s tempting to “just have one.”
🔹 At 6-9 months, your “work” begins showing up and you start questioning if sobriety is even worth it.
🔹 At 12-18 months, you start wondering if you were going overboard with this whole sober thing in the first place and if you’re cured now because you’ve gone so long.

This is why most people relapse. They assume something is wrong with them. But this is normal. It’s part of the process.

These are the moments that pull people back.
This is where I step in.

We’ll work together so that when those moments hit, you’ll know exactly how to move through them—without going back to drinking.

The timeline of expectations was HUGE - this made all the difference to have the reference of where I was. I am way less emotional and much more confident in my decision to not drink. I can now really see the long term benefits and there is no going back.

Here’s How We’ll Make Sobriety Feel Like Your New Normal

10 one-on-one coaching sessions (45 minutes each)
Unlimited messenger support between sessions for real-time help when you need it most
A structured approach to understand your patterns, check back into your life, and build up your awareness
A 3-month commitment, then month-to-month until you feel ready to graduate

This isn’t just about quitting drinking—it’s about building a life where alcohol is no longer your default.

Real People. Real Sobriety Wins.

💬 “I was drinking alone most nights. I was overwhelmed and stuck. Even when I stayed sober for a while, I still felt stressed and on edge. I kept slipping because alcohol felt like the only way to turn it all off. I learned why I was avoiding rest and why I felt like I had to hold it all together. We built tools to manage pressure and handle emotions. Sobriety doesn’t feel like a struggle anymore.”

💬 “I was binge drinking every time I went out because it was the only way I knew how to quiet my anxiety and feel like I fit in. I was constantly worried about what people thought of me, if I was saying the right thing, if they liked me, if I was ‘good enough.’ I stayed in relationships that were wrong for me way longer than I should have. I’m not hiding behind alcohol anymore. I’m starting to feel comfortable in my own skin. I can go out and be myself.”

Shame-Free Zone

Most of my clients come to me carrying intense shame about their drinking. They don’t feel comfortable telling anyone else what’s really going on.

Maybe you’ve promised yourself this was your last drink a thousand times.
Maybe you’ve hidden how bad your drinking really is.
Maybe you feel like if people knew the truth, they’d see you differently.

Whatever it is, you never have to feel ashamed to tell me anything.

I’ve been there. We are a team.

Recommended episodes:

E200: My Great Shame (listen here)

I’m 5 Years Sober: Here’s How I Reached Acceptance (listen here)

E150: 15 Strategies I Tried to Moderate My Drinking (listen here)

You Don’t Have to Do This Alone. Let’s Do It Together

You don’t just want to quit drinking. You want to feel free of the mental battle.
You’ve tried before. You’ve done the hard parts alone. But this time, you don’t have to.

Coaching gives you the tools, support, and shortcut to making sobriety feel effortless—like it’s just a part of your life now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you only work with women? I work with both men and women of all ages

What if I’m still trying to figure it out? I only work with people who have made the decision. I can’t make this decision for you or make you want it. This is what my podcast is for, to help you get closer to wanting sobriety for yourself.

Will you support me outside of our sessions? Yes, I have a client portal where we will be communicating outside of sessions

Coaching is out of my budget, what can I do? Please check out my community. I host ~2 support meetings per week in there.

Are you certified? Yes, I am a certified professional recovery coach (CPRC). You can learn more about my qualifications here.

I’m an angry problem drinker. Can you help me with both? Yes, some of my clients work on both anger and sobriety at the same time. I am also a certified anger management specialist (CAMS-I)