What Causes Withdrawal Symptoms? (E38)
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Gill discusses the central nervous system and alcohol withdrawal. She explains how alcohol affects the central nervous system, what bodily functions this impacts, and how the central nervous system rebounds after we stop drinking. You'll learn what's going on in the brain to cause withdrawal symptoms like night sweating and the more serious symptoms of delirium tremens.
Key Takeaways
Central nervous depressants are drugs that slow down brain activity by affecting the neurotransmitter GABA. Remember, GABA is our main inhibitory neurotransmitter, so central nervous system depressants will produce side effects like drowsiness, relaxation, and decreased inhibition.
Some of our neurotransmitters are suppressed by chronic heavy drinking, and they work harder to try to overcome this and do their jobs. When we suddenly stop drinking, alcohol isn’t affecting our neurotransmitters anymore, and the ones that were working harder, like our main excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate, suddenly have a big burst in activity. The central nervous system quickly rebounds and this can cause some of the bodily functions regulated by the central nervous system, like body temperature, to be messed up.
Alcohol affects our blood pressure, heart, and the body’s ability to maintain and sense its own temperature. Night sweats are very common during alcohol withdrawal, and should signal you that you were abusing alcohol. Normal drinkers don’t experience withdrawal when they take a break from drinking.
Cite this episode
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