Recognizing You Need to Quit Drinking with Dr. Matt Glowiak, PhD, LCPC, CAADC, NCC
“We tend to associate with people who are similar to us. So ultimately, you can end up normalizing the substance use, as you were just identifying here a moment ago, that, well, my drinking isn't atypical compared to my social group. They're drinking every single day, having a six pack after work. So am I. What you're failing to recognize is that many people, the majority of people, aren't living that type of lifestyle. You've just gone ahead by association and you've normalized that in your life.” - Dr. Matt Glowiak
We compare ourselves to other people's drinking and justify what we're doing because that's what everyone else does. When I stopped drinking, I observed what other people's drinking was actually like. I thought they all drank like me, but they don't. I was the only one drinking like that.
“I believe it was Albert Einstein who said this, if you continue to do what you've always done, you'll continue to receive what you've always gotten. But the reality is it's a law of diminishing effects. If you continue to do what you've always done, things are going to continue to get worse down the line, and people aren't recognizing that. And that's another problem with the addiction here because you feel like, okay, well, if I continue down this path, things are going to stay where they're at right now. And it's really not that bad of a place. I'm not hitting rock bottom. I'm nowhere close, so I'm safe. I'm going to continue living this life. It feels good.” - Dr. Matt Glowiak
Drinking is progressive. We think we can just maintain it and manage it, but it's always going to get worse.
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